OpTime Staffing Partners code of conduct sets out the rules and values to which all our employees must conform. The code reflects our values and expectations and outlines our ethical and environmental policies, which everyone working at OpTime Staffing Partners must adhere to.
Our code of conduct details our stance on HS&E, anti-bribery and corruption, human rights, corporate responsibilities, and business and humanitarian ethics.
Equal Opportunities Policy
OpTime Staffing Partners is committed to providing a working environment in which the employees are able to realize their full potential and contribute to the school of success. Irrespective of staff’s gender, race, color, nationality, ethnic or racial origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, or disability, ensuring that the provisions of equality are strictly adhered to. This is a key employment value to which all employees are expected to give their support.
In order to create conditions in which this goal can be realized, OpTime Staffing Partners is committed to identifying and eliminating discriminatory practices, procedures, and attitudes throughout the organization. OpTime Staffing Partners expects employees to support this commitment and to assist in its realization in all possible ways.
Specifically, OpTime Staffing Partners aims to ensure that no employee or job applicant is discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of gender, race, color, nationality, ethnic or racial origins, marital status, religion, or disability.
Equal opportunities practice is constantly developing as social attitudes and legislation change. OpTime Staffing Partners will keep its policies under review and will implement changes where these could improve equality of opportunity. This commitment applies to all OpTime Staffing Partners employment policies and procedures, not just those specifically connected with equal opportunity.